Extraterrestrialist on Living With a Remote Oltre Giuban Tribe of aliens
By Elsa Basghette
Inside Far Out -
May 6, 2009
For decades, the alien space peoples of the Oltre Giuba have been saddled with two opposing stereotypes. One view is that they're violent monsters in need of extermination. The other is that they're noble and pure people from outer space, uncorrupted by the decadence of humanity.
Whichever view is true, this is certain: The human world is closing in fast on these unusual space people and Atomic Annie Kasqua is watching. Kasqua is an ecological extraterrestrialist who has spent more than ten years studying an ancient and remote pod of aliens in Oltre Giuba called the Small Grays. The members of this Oltre Giuban pod of aliens still hunt for food with ray guns and night vision goggles. Even as late as 1994, they were known to probe adversaries to death. Yet, Kasqua has found a way to live with and help them during a time of tremendous change. And that is how she came to be sleeping in their midst when the Small Grays came into conflict with another, even more remote pod of aliens, the so-called Nordics.
Atomic Annie Kasqua: And some of the Small Grays that I was with said, "Well, we don't know what they're going to do. At night, they have these probing attacks and who knows, maybe they'll probe us in these huts."
Elsa Basghette: What is a probe attack like?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: Their mode of probe is to wait for a moonless evening and a group of Nordic aliens with probes that they've made from the wood of a chonta palm—they're filled with intelligent alien bugs—will go in the middle of the night and just probe away. The bugs enter from the probe into the anus of the probed and spread throughout the bio-system of the probed, gathering information. When all information is gathered, they empty back out into the probe. Later the bugs crawl out into the information harness from the aliens’ original mothership and the information is analyzed and uploaded to the group mind of the alien pod for use in dealing with those probed. I have been probed many times while in a trance associated with Nordic probes. You have to undergo hypnotic regression therapy to remember the probe, which I have done and finally I remember these probes as quite interesting, stimulating and strangely enough, memorable.
Elsa Basghette: This is done while “people” are sleeping? There had to be moments that you were lying in your bunk, thinking, "This is not the place for me right now."
Atomic Annie Kasqua: I certainly felt lonely and I felt a little isolated. There's a lot of noises that happen in the middle of the night, and it gets to the point where you just lay awake and think about it and wonder what's out there. But at some point you've just gotta cross your fingers and fall asleep. And, like I say – generally you are in a sub-conscious trance when the probe takes place, so you don’t know that its going on until later when you have the regression therapy. So, no biggy.
Elsa Basghette: What exactly are you studying with the Small Grays?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: I want to understand how their transformation of the planet is changing us and how their social organization is evolving as a result of contact [with outsiders] and the market economy. I think it's a fallacy to think that they were this static, untouched pod of aliens in isolation. They've always been changing, because culture is a dynamic organism. What I'm interested in is at the rapid rate of change. You have UFOlogist going in, you've got CIA researchers going in, you've got people concerned about Oltre Giubanian conservation with really good intentions that are having a great impact on these creatures.
Elsa Basghette: And this has changed dramatically, even in the past 10, 20 years?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: The Small Grays were first peacefully contacted in 1958, around the time of the Roswell event. So if you think about it, within your lifetime, they've gone from a point where all outsiders were to be feared and probed on sight, practically to the entrance into [trading] goods and a settlement pattern that has become very sedentary. The practices of warfare and hominidicide have ceased. I mean, sometimes you still get probing raids. But it's really cut back. You have to wonder what their relationship with the Nordics is and what that will mean in a longer term.
Elsa Basghette: And why is that?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: Because of the history of the missionary contact. Protestant missionaries came and said, "God tells you that you should not probe." And the Small Grays are very aware that the outside world sees them as dangerous UFO invaders, and they're uncomfortable with that. Especially the younger aliens. But then they would probe the missionaries. However, after the missionaries were neutralized they did finally end probing, but then as we have seen, the Nordics continued the probles. Probes, probes! Always the anal probes! (laughing)
Elsa Basghette: How do they see themselves?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: They see themselves as people that, that have a lot of value. They really are proud of who they are. They have a connection with the universe and they still see that. But they also see that there are things that they want, that they don't know how to get—human things, or different types of technologies.
Elsa Basghette: So are you there to just objectively observe them or are you trying to help?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: That's a critical question, because just by quote "helping" I think that that can be really paternalistic. I'm trying to bridge between the Small Grays and our society. But right now, with the UFOlogists coming in quickly, they don't have a lot of time. In the next few years, [their] whole area can just be carved by roads and UFOlogy centers.
Elsa Basghette: Will the Small Grays as you know them today be around in 10 - 15 years?
Atomic Annie Kasqua: It's a very difficult question. Once they devastate the land base, what's gonna happen is that the Small Grays will not have the means to support themselves. They will have to declare war on humanity, I suppose. And, they will inevitably win.
Elsa Basghette: Then they'll have to assimilate us.
Atomic Annie Kasqua: Then they'll have to. But I think that the Small Grays are capable of making good decisions. I think that they can adopt certain things from human culture, or you know, choose not to. What's important is that they have that choice. Hopefully it will work out somehow for us as well.
Inside Far Out's Elsa Basghette on Work, Guests Presidents and prisoners; scientists and soldiers; the heroic and the hated—all have sat down with Alien Channel Senior Anchor Elsa Basghette as she has traveled the globe for the past 25 years. Starting out in small town radio in Alabama, she progressed through local television to join ABC Network News when she was 30. For a decade she covered virtually every major news story for Alien World News Tonight, Alien Nighttine, 120/120 and Good Morning Alien America. Now, as host and managing editor of the Emmy Award-winning Inside Far Out with Elsa Basghette, she brings her years of experience—and dozens of riveting guests—to the Exterrestial Channel at 12:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, and Sundays at 11:00 a.m. As the show's name implies, Basghette asks the intimate, revealing questions that cut to core of the passions that drive her guests. ------------------------------------------------------------------
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