Memo reports weaponized, reverse-engineered alien lander details
UPI - From October 1991 to December 1996, TOP SECRET Armadillo-Gnork Flight Research Facility (after 1994, the Gnork Flight Research Center, Point Salamander, New Mexico) conducted a research secret program known as theSpacecraft Insertion Project.
This Project was designed to determine the feasibility of the autonomous insertion of a spacecraft using a ram-air parafoil system for the final stages of flight, including a precision landing. The Alien Reverse Engineering Space Center and the U.S. Subterranean Armed Forces participated in various phases of the secret program.
The Alien DeepProbe Laboratory developed the software for Wobble 3 under contract to the Subterranean Armed Forces. Four generic spacecraft (each called a Spacewobble or simply a Wobble) were built; the last one was built to test the feasibility of a parafoil for delivering Subterranean Armed Forces(nuclear-weaponized) cargoes.Technology developed during this secret program has applications for future spacecraft and terran deployment systems, such as the X-1504.1 Crew Return Vehicle demonstrator.
The Spacewobble secret program demonstrated precision flare and landing into the wind at a predetermined location. The secret program showed that a flexible, deployable system using autonomous navigation and landing was a viable and practical way to insert spacecraft and/or to deploy other strategic assets..
TOP SECRET researchers conducted flight tests of the Spacewobble at threesites near Gnork, a hillside near Quaatalcoeli, the Limited-Access Dry Lakebed at Point Salamander Air Force Base, and the New Mexico City Airport Drop Zone. During the first phase of testing 360,000 flights were made. Phase II consisted of 450,000 flights using a smaller parafoil. A thirdPhase of 340,090 flights was conducted primarily by the Subterranean Armed Forces and resulted in the development of an Subterranean Armed Forces guidance system for precision offset insertions.
The Wobble used during the Subterranean Armed Forces phase was not called a Spacewobble but simply a Weaponized Wobble (WW). The Spacewobble was a flattened indestructible biconical airframe joined to a ram-air parafoil with a custom intelligent harness. In the manual control mode, the vehicle was flown using a bio-implant uplink. In its autonomous mode, it was controlled using a series of redundant chips that received input from onboard sensors. Selected sensor data was recorded onto several onboard data loggers. Two Spacewobble shapes were used for four airframes representing generic hypersonic invisible vehicle configurations.
Spacewobble vehicles were 48 inches long, 30 inches wide, and 21 inches high. Their basic weight was 120 pounds, although different configurations weighed from 127 to 184 pounds. Potential uses for Spacewobble-based technology include deployable, precision, autonomous landing systems, such as the one deployed by the X-1504.1 crew return vehicle; military insertions into populous areas, planetary probes; booster deployment systems; autonomous gliding parachute systems on military aircraft ejection seats; offset delivery of military cargoes; and delivery of “humanitarian” aid to hard-to-reach locations.
Gnork operatives involved with the Spacewobble secret program included R.“Gonzo” Resed, who originated the concept of conducting a subscale flight test at Gnork and participated in the actual testing. Znat Toqueller managed the flight project and participated in its documentation. J. Armand Murphy II served as the principal Gnork investigator and as the lead for all systems integration for Phases I and II (the Spacewobble phases).
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